Forum Thread: Frequency and Points Distribution

Long story, but I'll keep it short - does anybody have any ideas on calculating the points distribution for scrabble letters using the Albanian alphabet (which has 36 letters)? Secondary question is how many tiles should be used given that the alphabet contains 36, rather than 26? I've worked out the frequency distribution of the letters.

4 Responses

Wow. I have no idea. I'm not familiar with Albanian at all. Could it be similar to the Latin version? Probably not. Checking out the letter distribution page on Wikipedia might give you some ideas.

Otherwise, I hope someone can answer you here!

Thanks for the reply Justin,

I grabbed around 5,000 characters from Albanian news articles, wrote a VBA program to count each letter (including the double-letters such as "rr" and "dh" found in Albanian), ordered the results by ascending rank. And then grouped the letters by points similar to the English point distribution vs letter rank. Will see how it works out. If anybody's interested in the code to work out the distribution frequency of letters given an alphabet and sample text, let me know and I can post (although tailored for Albanian at this point it could be easily modified).

I'll also post some photos of the finished project.


Hello there,

In fact yes, i am very interested on your work, as you said above. Would you please, as soon as posible, show me the code? :)

Can anybody share with me any information about letter frequencies in Albanian?  Not for Scrabble - for developing early grades reading tests.


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