WICKIUP 68 points (18 points without the bingo) Definition: an American Indian hut [n] It's shaped like an igloo, but wickiups aren't made of snow and ice, there made of arched wooden poles and some ...
Now that you have your two-letter words down and have practiced your skills, it's time to move on to another important part of Scrabble gameplay—the opening move. There's a well known adage that state ...
ISOPLETH 63 points (13 points without the bingo) Definition: a type of isogram [n] Okay... in order to know what an isopleth is, you first have to know what an isogram is... An isogram (or isoline) i ...
URUSHIOL 61 points (11 points without the bingo) Definition: a toxic liquid [n] It may look like a funny word, especially since it's derived from a word meaning "lacquer" in Japan, but most of you ar ...
He may be the oldest person to have invented an app for Apple devices, but 84-year-old George Weiss didn't originally intend on marketing his Dabble word game to the mobile crowd. He first came up Dab ...
TINTYPE 62 points (12 points without the bingo) Definition: a kind of photograph [n] Tintypes are a type of photograph that you would find in antique shops, estate sales, and maybe even in your attic ...
MBAQANGA 72 points (22 points without the bingo) Definition: a South African dance music [n] Back in the late 1950s, old strains of the popular South African indigenous music called marabi, which con ...
REREMICE 62 points (12 points without the bingo) Definition: bats (flying mammals) [n/pl.] But these aren't just ordinary flying bats. Reremice (or rearmice) are known more commonly as particolored b ...
Let's face it, not every logophile is addicted to Scrabble. Without the use of a timer, Scrabble can be a pretty slow game. Even in clubs and tournaments where the standard time limit is 25 minutes pe ...