Scrabble Bingo of the Day: DHOURRA [n]
Dhourra is a type of sorghum, a genus of cereal grasses cultivated in warm climates worldwide for its edible grain. Sorghum originated in North Africa, but is a favorite crop in countries where arid soil exists and frequent droughts occur. The grains are mostly made into bread, but can also be popped like popcorn, used in liqueurs, made into syrup, used for livestock feed, and utilized as a source for ethanol fuel. It is also a substitute for wheat in gluten-free recipes. And as you can see below, there are many variant spellings of dhourra acceptable in Scrabble.
* DARI [n/pl.] -S durra
DHOORA [n/pl.] -S durra
DHOURRA [n/pl.] -S durra
* DHURRA [n/pl.] -S durra
DOURA [n/pl.] -S durra
DOURAH [n/pl.] -S durra
DURA [n/pl.] -S durra
DURR [n/pl.] -S durra
DURRA [n/pl.] -S a cereal grain
Related words:
FETERITA [n/pl.] -S a cereal grass (type of sorghum)
* JAWARI [n/pl.] -S jowar
JOWAR [n/pl.] -S a durra grown in India
* JOWARI [n/pl.] -S jowar
KAFFIR [n/pl.] -S kafir
KAFIR [n/pl.] -S a cereal grass (type of sorghum)
MILLET [n/pl.] -S a cereal grass
MILO [n/pl.] -S a cereal grass (type of sorghum)
SORGHO [n/pl.] -S sorgo
SORGO [n/pl.] -S a variety of sorghum
SORGHUM [n/pl.] -S a cereal grass
* Only acceptable in Scrabble play outside of North America.
Photo by Larry Rana
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