Improve your bingo skills with a roundup of this week's Scrabble Bingo of the Days. What exactly is a bingo? It's when a player empties his or her rack in one turn, placing all seven of their letters ...
REAPHOOKn pl. -San implement used in reaping 67 points (17 points without the bingo) After guisard was featured a couple days ago, it seems right to keep throwing in a few Halloween related Bingo of t ...
COLOSSUSn pl. COLOSSUSES or COLOSSIa gigantic statue 60 points (10 points without the bingo) A colossus is a huge statue with great size and proportions, but it could also mean a person or thing of im ...
A phoney word in a game of Scrabble is basically a non-valid word, either played or considered being played. Why? To fool the other player and go from losing to winning. It's perfectly acceptable in S ...
BEJABERSinterj bejesus (used as a mild oath) 69 points (19 points without the bingo) An oath is almost always associated with promises or sworn declarations, but it also has a different meaning as a ...
EUCAINEn pl. -San anesthetic 59 points (9 points without the bingo) The first effective local anesthetic ever was cocaine, obtained from the leaves of the coca plant, and it's still legal for medical ...
Ogilvy & Mather are no amateurs when it comes to Scrabble. They may not play the game, but they sure know how to promote it. The prestigious advertising and marketing agency has created several videoc ...
Aside from the popular television commercials Ogilvy & Mather did for Mattel's Scrabble back in 2000 and 2001, they also have a large history in print with Mattel. From 1998 until the present, they've ...
VERONICAn pl. -Sa handkerchief bearing the image of Christ's face 63 points (13 points without the bingo) Veronica was the name given to the cloth veil that was supposedly impressed with an image of J ...