ISOPLETH 63 points (13 points without the bingo)
Definition: a type of isogram [n]
Okay... in order to know what an isopleth is, you first have to know what an isogram is...
An isogram (or isoline) is a contour line on a map connecting points of equal value. In other words, it's a generic designation for lines indicating equality of some physical condition or quantity. This is the meaning in the Scrabble Dictionary, but an isogram is actually more commonly employed as a logological term in spelling to point out a word doesn't have any repeating letters (a really handy Scrabble word to know).
So, an isopleth is an isogram which has a variable that cannot be measured at any single point, but which must be calculated from data collected over an area, meaning it's a contour line or curve with a specified constant value for each variable. Isopleths are commonly used in census data to depict population density (by dividing a district's total population by the total surface area of the district).
In meteorology, that line connects points that have equal incidence of a specified meteorological feature, and is great for mapping surface elevations, amounts of precipitation, atmospheric pressure, and numerous other measurements that can be viewed statistically as a third dimension.
In thermodynamics, an isopleth is a phase diagram indicating the same mole fraction.
Inflections: ISOPLETHS [pl.]
Isopleth map depicting annual average dioxin concentrations from 1992 in the vicinity of a Dupont
plant in Mississippi.
Photo by Stone Lions
Sample isopleth map for precipitation.
Photo by Environment Canada
So, just what is a Scrabble Bingo?
A bingo is when a player empties his or her rack in one turn, placing all seven of their letters on the board to create a word that's at least seven letters long. The term "bingo" is used primarily in the U.S., but elsewhere it's simply known as a "bonus" because you get a bonus of 50 points added to your turn's score. "Scrabble Bingo of the Day" will focus on these high scoring plays, teaching you some interesting and possibly unusual seven-letter or longer words accepted in a game of Scrabble.
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