FOVEOLETn pl. -S a foveola
64 points (14 points without the bingo)
So, if a foveolet is a foveola, what's a foveola? It's a small fovea. Okay… what's a fovea? It's a shallow anatomical depression, which is basically a small pit or cuplike indentation in a bone or bodily organ. Though it can appear in any bone or organ, it's most commonly used to indicate the central fovea of the human retina, located in the macula, which is a yellowish, cone photo receptor that's responsible for sharp vision.
The fovea is the region in the human eye that has the potential to have the highest visual acuity.
The image above shows the foveola in the anatomical dimensions of the retina of the right eye (viewed through the pupil) and the corresponding right eye visual field (viewed from the pupil).
FOVEOLEn pl. -S a foveola
FOVEOLAn pl. -LAS or -LAE a small fovea FOVEOLARadj
The above image shows the cross-section of the fovea.
Related Words
FOVEAn pl. -VEAS or -VEAE a shallow anatomical depression FOVEAL, FOVEATE(D)adj
FOSSAn pl. -SAE an anatomical depression FOSSATEadj
FOSSETTEn pl. -S a small fossa
PITvPITTED, PITTING, PITS to mark with cavities or depressions
VALLECULAn pl. -LAE an anatomical groove, channel, or depression
FOLLICLEn pl. -S a small body cavity
HILUSn pl. HILI hilum
HILUMn pl. HILA a small opening in a bodily organ
CAVITYn pl. -TIES an unfilled space within a mass CAVITIEDadj
MACULAn pl. -LAS or -LAE a spot MACULARadj
MACULATEv-LATED, -LATING, -LATES to mark with spots
The above image shows the ophthalmological view of a normal retina including the fovea (asterisk) and the optic nerve head ("blind spot," delineated by the dashed white line).
Images by Palomar College, Neuron Research, psywww, PNAS
What's a Scrabble Bingo?
A bingo is when a player empties his or her rack in one turn, placing all seven of their letters on the board to create a word that's at least seven letters long. The term "bingo" is used primarily in the U.S., but elsewhere it's simply known as a "bonus" because you get a bonus of 50 points added to your turn's score. "Scrabble Bingo of the Day" will focus on these high scoring plays, teaching you some interesting and possibly unusual seven-letter or longer words accepted in a game of Scrabble.
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