This isn't your ordinary Scrabble fiend, but relax... Scrabble was not the reason behind the death of this Pennsylvania woman's baby. But nonetheless, it's a horrible story of parents who'd rather neglect their own flesh and blood, rather than their pets.
"A western Pennsylvania woman will spend 21½ to 43 years in prison for the death of her 2-month-old son who was malnourished and left on a porch in near-freezing temperatures while she played Scrabble and forgot about putting him there."
At first, it seems like Scrabble is partly to blame, but definitely not...
"A coroner ruled two-month-old Isaac Rabold died of malnutrition and dehydration. Police said Darr and her husband, Michael Rabold, fed the boy only two ounces of formula each day, when he should have received 15. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces, when born two months premature and just 6 pounds, 1 ounce when he died."
Seems like they love their pets and just have to deal with their children...
"...15 dogs and fish were well cared for and that the family had welfare checks waiting for them while the children were starving."
And when there's shit on the wall...
"...District Attorney Robert Kochems argued she had family support and said, "She's not blind," when referring to human feces on the walls of the home, and diapers and dishes that piled up." know these people are just screwed up in the head.
At least they're not as bad as the girl who killed her baby over FarmVille.
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