CARRIONn pl. -S dead and putrefying flesh 59 points (9 points without the bingo) The word CARRION refers to the dead and putrefying flesh on the carcass of any dead animal. Yes… humans are animals. C ...
REVENANTn pl. -S one that returns 61 points (11 points without the bingo) Frankenstein. Vampires. Zombies. These creepy creatures are all examples of the UNDEAD, living entities that are technically ...
HEXEREIn pl. -S witchcraft 67 points (17 points without the bingo) HEXEREI is a word used in Pennsylvania Dutch dialects in lieu of WITCHCRAFT, usually related to black magic that's brought upon them ...
COXSWAINv-ED, -ING, -S to direct (a crew) as coxwain 70 points (20 points without the bingo) The definition for coxswain could be pretty confusing if you don't know what a coxwain is, but perhaps eve ...
FRONDEUR 62 points (12 points without the bingo) Definition: a rebel [n] Actually, frondeur is a word associated with the Fronde, a French civil war from around 1648 to 1660, amidst both the Franco-S ...
Nearly every game takes strategy to win, but when it comes to games like Scrabble and Words with Friends, you've also got to have a lexically inclined mind full of wonderful and weird words. Most star ...
Halloween is just a few days away, and since I've been churning out the creepy Bingo of the Days for everyone the past few weeks, it seems fitting to do a puzzle based on them. Too bad today isn't F ...
ZEPHYRSn sing. ZEPHYR gentle breezes 74 points (24 points without the bingo) A few days ago, Cerek Tunca mentioned that a great seven-letter bingo word would be ZEPHYRS, because of the amount of poin ...
SHAITANn pl. -S an evil spirit 60 points (10 points without the bingo) For the closing of these Halloween-themed bingo words, there's no better word than SHAITAN, the evilest of all evils, which is p ...