JUMBUCK 74 points (24 points without the bingo) Definition: a sheep [n] There are many different words for sheep—not sheep breeds, but words separating sheep by ages, sex, and by the use of the anima ...
CYNOSURE 63 points (13 points without the bingo) Definition: a center of attraction [n] A cynosure is something or someone that strongly attracts attention and admiration from others by its allure, b ...
As much as I love Scrabble, the iPhone and Android versions of the game are just not as much fun or as fast paced as Words with Friends. I play both, but I'm most active on Zynga's version of the mobi ...
POSTICHE 65 points (15 points without the bingo) Definition: an imitation [n] Not to be confused with pastiche, postiche simply means an imitation—a counterfeit of something. It could be anything, bu ...
YANQUIS 68 points (18 points without the bingo) Definition: United States citizens [n/pl.] By the way it's spelled, you might not even realize it's the exact same thing as Yankees, only with a QUI in ...
The 2011 Toronto International Scrabble Open (TOSI) took place last weekend, with former World Champion Adam Logan beating out all of the human competition for the $3,000 grand prize. But when it came ...
FEAZING 70 points (20 points without the bingo) Definition: fazing; disturbing the composure of [present participle of feaze] As mentioned, feazing is the present participle of feaze, which is a verb ...
Do you think humans are the only ones who like the challenge of a good word game? Well, think again, because homo sapiens aren't the only ones up for stimulating their brains. Other species on planet ...
An odd game of Scrabble between my two cats. I think they're dyslexic. And chaotic. "I think I found a word." "Well, I think I found a better one." "I just have to dig for it." "Oi, I can't believ ...